Boeing T-X Trainer Specs, Price, Interior, Cockpit, & Photos

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Boeing T-X Trainer Specs, Price, Interior, Cockpit, & Photos. The Boeing T-X is a new innovative pilot trainer aircraft offered by Boeing in partnership with Saab for the US Air Force (USAF) advanced pilot education program. The T-X aircraft is intended to replace the old T-38 coach fleet from the USAF.

The first two T-X trainer aircraft ready for manufacturing were introduced by Boeing and Saab in September 2016. The first aircraft completed its inaugural flight in December 2016, while the second made its first flight in April 2017.

Boeing T-X Engine

The Boeing T-X is powered by a General Electric GE F404 turbofan engine afterburner, offering higher power, improved fuel efficiency and superior mission capability. The maximum speed of a T-X trainer aircraft is 1,300 km/ h with a range of 1,839 km.

Boeing T-X Cockpit and Avionics

The Boeing T-X is equipped with a modern cockpit and flexible avionics integrated into the trainer. The cockpit displays a broad and modular display area, offering various training sessions options for instructors and students. The cockpit is equipped with fly-by-wire flight controls that ensure excellent handling at all speeds, flight parameters, and high angle-of-attack.

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The cockpit of a Boeing T-X can accommodate an instructor and a student. Seating arrangements offer ideal positions for instructors and visibility for flight instructions for conducting basic traffic pattern operations and advanced visual air combat exercise. Seats compatible with JPATS 1-7 also accommodate a variety of individuals with different body sizes.

Boeing T-X Specs

The Boeing T-X trainer aircraft has a clean-sheet design, with an airframe being composed of a single engine, twin tails, sophisticated cockpit stadium seating, and embedded instruction instrumentation. The aircraft is delivered to customers as a complete sophisticated pilot instruction system including sophisticated ground-based education aids.

Featuring sophisticated and comprehensive pilot exercise solutions, Boeing T-X offers very realistic simulations, computer-based instruction modules, and adaptive exercise. It also provides a complete set of instructor tools to support various training sessions needs.

In terms of appearance, experience and performance, the Boeing T-X is compatible with fighter aircraft. The twin-tail design resembles current and future fighter aircraft designs and guarantees better stability, superior control, inbuilt speed break functionality, and safer in-flight refueling.

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The design of the Boeing T-X ensures that maintenance crews can easily access important items. It is also compatible with common USAF ground equipment and uses established component providers to reduce supply chain complexity. Its maintenance-friendly design supports long-term functionality and enables the integration of the latest technology and equipment.

Boeing T-X is a platform that is more affordable and flexible when compared to aircraft in its class. This system also supports the evolution of technology to meet the requirements of future exercise needs.

Boeing T-X Price and Orders

The price of the latest Boeing T-X trainer is around US $ 20 Million. The US Air Force chose Boeing T-X planes over its counterparts in September 2018, giving Boeing a $ 9.1 billion contract to deliver 351 T-X aircraft, 46 simulators and related ground equipment in October 2018.

In the same year Boeing awarded a $ 117.6 million contract to Saab to carry out engineering, manufacturing and development (EMD) of the T-X trainer aircraft.

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