ATR 42600 Pictures

ATR 42600 Pictures

ATR 42 600: Specs, Interior, Price, Cockpit, & Details : ATR 42600 Pictures

ATR 42-600: Specs, Interior, Price, Cockpit, & Details. ATR 42-600 is a twin turboprop passenger aircraft established and produced by Aerospatiale and Aeritalia. ATR, with headquarters in Toulouse, is a joint venture between EADS and Finmeccanica/ Alenia Aeronautica.

ATR 42-600 is a new creation aircraft equipped with new engines, new propellers, increased heat and quality, increased weight capacity and increased passenger cabin. ATR 42-600 was certified in 2012.

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6 Pictures of the "ATR 42 600: Specs, Interior, Price, Cockpit, & Details"

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